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what can you store in an outdoor shed

What Can You Store in an Outdoor Shed?

Are you constantly looking for more space to store your seasonal gear or excess belongings? If so, an outdoor shed might be the perfect solution for you.

So, what can you store in an outdoor shed?

Allen Portable Buildings, Inc. offers quality sheds in Arkansas that can help streamline your storage needs, making your home more organized and your items more accessible. 

In this guide, Allen Portable Buildings, Inc. explains how an outdoor shed can enhance storage capabilities.

What You Can Store in a Shed

An outdoor shed is a versatile space where you can securely store a wide array of items. Here’s a detailed look at what you can keep in your storage shed:

Gardening or Landscaping Tools

Your outdoor shed is perfect for storing power tools and all your gardening and landscaping equipment. From lawnmowers to shovels, rakes, and even larger equipment like tillers and leaf blowers, these tools are kept rust-free and in top condition. Organize them with hooks and shelves to make them easy to access for every yard task.

Extra Furniture

Seasonal or extra furniture that clutters your home during the off-season can find a haven in your outdoor shed. Store patio sets, outdoor cushions, and summer loungers in the shed to protect them from the winter elements. This frees up space at home while extending the life of your outdoor furnishings by protecting them from adverse weather conditions.


An outdoor shed can also be a great place to store out-of-season clothing, especially bulky items like winter coats, ski gear, or specialized equipment you don’t use year-round. Store these items in air-tight bins to prevent moisture and pests from damaging them, and consider using wardrobe boxes for hanging items to keep them in good shape.

Your Holiday Decorations

Storing your holiday decorations in an outdoor shed can save you from the hassle of rearranging your garage or attic every season. Properly stored in labeled containers, your festive items will be ready to sparkle each year with minimal effort.

What You Shouldn’t Store in an Outdoor Shed

Answering, “What can you store in an outdoor shed?” is one thing, but you should also be familiar with what items don’t belong in an outdoor shed:

  • Canned or Uncanned Food: These items can attract pests and may spoil due to temperature changes.
  • Paint, Wax, or Glue: Such materials can deteriorate in extreme temperatures, rendering them useless over time.
  • Any Musical Instruments: Instruments are sensitive to humidity and temperature. They may warp or become damaged in an uncontrolled environment.
  • Your Electronics: Moisture and extreme temperatures can wreak havoc on electronics, potentially causing irreparable damage.

Let Allen Portable Buildings, Inc. Provide the Perfect Shed for Storing Your Items

What can you store in an outdoor shed? A lot! At Allen Portable Buildings, Inc., we pride ourselves on providing shed delivery and solutions that fit every need across Arkansas.

Our sheds enhance your storage options and add value to your property. If you’re considering an outdoor shed, contact us at 866-471-1805.

About Allen Portable Buildings, Inc.

Allen Portable Buildings, Inc. is a shed builder based out of Sikeston, MO with dealer locations throughout Southeast Missouri.  If you’re in our delivery area and interested in a new shed or portable buildings, we’d love to send you a quote!